These and our findings suggest athlete’s perception of sweat rate

These and our findings suggest athlete’s perception of sweat rates in cool climates is impaired, which reinforces the need for specific hydration guidelines. The fluid requirements of participants in WCS (19.5°C [17.0 - 23.3]), were anticipated to reflect selleck the average laboratory sweat rate of 1470 mL.h-1 measured at 21.8°C. The fluid intake rate of 11.5 was selected to deliver approximately 65% of the average laboratory sweat rate and a volume less than one litre

(906.2 – 971.8 mL.h-1), with a carbohydrate content between 6-9%. This range of carbohydrate consumption in fluid replacement drinks has been identified as an optimal range for absorption and gastric emptying [6]. Furthermore, consuming volumes

greater than 1000 mL.h-1 during exercise has caused gastro-intestinal discomfort in highly trained individuals [26]. None of the participants in the study commented on any bloating or gastro-intestinal PLX4032 supplier issues during or after training. Surprisingly, participants’ average on-water sweat rate was only 611.8 ± 47.2 mL.h-1. This was 41.5% lower than the pre-study laboratory sweat rate of 1470 mL.h-1. As a result, participants mean fluid intake was 933.33 ± 5.13 mL.h-1 or 153.0% fluid replacement. Since on-water temperatures were similar to that of the laboratory sweat rate testing, it appears the cooling effect of splashing waves and brief pauses in activity between training drills did not elicit the same physiologic sweat response during sailing as seen during cycle exercise. This suggests laboratory based sweat rate testing over estimates sweat rates observed on-water in this study. Therefore, the on water environmental conditions experienced by Olympic class sailors may have a direct modulating influence on Idoxuridine sweat rate and fluid requirements. Based on our observations,

a lower fluid replacement rate would be more appropriate for the conditions experienced in this study. Extrapolating from the data presented, a fluid intake rate of 7.4 would achieve the desired hydration state. USG and electrolytes The greater fluid consumption compared to fluid loss during WCS may account for some of our results. Analysis of USG showed an effect for time (p = 0.003) with lower values after training in all groups (Table 3). This was coupled with a main effect for time for body weight, whereby all groups increased body mass during training as direct result of fluid intake. This was a clear difference from CCS during which there was no difference in USG and a decrease in body mass post-training (p < 0.001). In CCS it was not surprising to see no difference between groups for measures of hydration status; however, given the 3 and 4 fold higher concentrations of sodium and potassium between the INW and G drink conditions in WCS, we anticipated a difference between groups post-training.

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