Our results show that SSRIs potentiate methylphenidate-induced ex

Our results show that SSRIs potentiate methylphenidate-induced expression of the transcription factor genes zif268 and c-fos in the striatum, rendering these molecular changes more cocaine-like. Present throughout most of the striatum, this potentiation was most robust in its sensorimotor parts. The methylphenidate + SSRI combination also enhanced behavioral stereotypies, consistent with dysfunction Carfilzomib clinical trial in sensorimotor striatal circuits. In so far as such gene regulation is implicated in psychostimulant

addiction, our findings suggest that SSRIs may enhance the addiction potential of methylphenidate. “
“When auditory neurons are stimulated with a pair of sounds, the preceding sound can inhibit the neural responses to the succeeding sound. This phenomenon, referred to as ‘forward suppression’, has been linked to perceptual forward masking. Previous studies investigating forward suppression typically measured the interaction between masker and probe sounds find more using a fixed sound location. However, in natural environments, interacting sounds often come from different spatial locations. The present study investigated two questions regarding forward suppression

in the primary auditory cortex and adjacent caudal field of awake marmoset monkeys. First, what is the relationship between the location of a masker and its effectiveness in inhibiting neural response to a probe? Second, does varying the location of a masker change the spectral profile of forward suppression? mafosfamide We found that a masker can inhibit a neuron’s response to a probe located at a preferred location even when the masker is located at a non-preferred location of a neuron. This is especially so for neurons in the caudal field. Furthermore, we found that the strongest forward suppression is observed when a masker’s frequency is close to the best frequency of a neuron, regardless of the location of the masker. These results reveal, for the first time, the stability of forward masking in cortical processing of multiple sounds presented from different locations. They suggest that forward suppression in the auditory cortex is spectrally

specific and spatially broad with respect to the frequency and location of the masker, respectively. “
“Dlx1, a member of the homeobox domain transcriptional factors, is expressed in a subset of interneurons and is involved in their differentiation. To understand the roles of Dlx1 in dendritic and postsynaptic differentiation, we manipulated Dlx1 expression in both excitatory pyramidal neurons and inhibitory interneurons in hippocampal culture. Exogenous expression of Dlx1 in pyramidal neurons, which lack endogenous Dlx1, resulted in reduced complexity of dendritic arborization. This effect was dependent on the DNA-binding motif of Dlx1. Dlx1 overexpression also induced prominent reduction of spine density, but with mild suppression in the formation of postsynaptic densities.

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